Taking his stardom to the next level, Sunny Deol signed a rather interesting deal this week. The actor will be making his big Telugu debut with the untitled film, which will be directed by Gopichand Malineni. The film, which is currently being referred to as SDGM, was announced earlier this week with the shooting commencing this month and will have Saiyami Kher as the leading lady as well as Regina Cassandra in a key role. Gopichand Malineni talks about his first collaboration with Sunny Deol In an interview with Hindustan Times, Gopichand Malineni revealed that the script was written for someone like Sunny Deol. Speaking of whether he is nervous or excited about directing Deol, Malineni said, “More than nervous about my Bollywood debut, I feel confident that it’ll be a good film. I wrote the script knowing it’ll be perfect for someone like Sunny. Luckily, Mythri Movie Makers also agreed and helped me approach him. To my surprise, Sunny said yes immediately because he liked it so muc...
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